Kids Date Night
Drop your kiddos with us and go enjoy a Date Night!
Dates: Fridays 5:30-8:30pm (* There will be Fridays that we DO NOT host Date Night due to events and other conflicts. Please check Court Reserve for dates and availability)
Age: 4-10 years old. (* We do ask that all children are able to use the restroom independently.)
What to expect: Kids will get to enjoy pickleball, games, pizza and a movie!
What to Bring: All kiddos need to bring is a clean pair of athletic shoes. If you want to pack a water bottle you may do that! We have a drinking fountain next to the courts if they do not have a water bottle. We will be ordering pizza for the group, if your child has allergies or does not want pizza please pack a lunchbox.
Event Minimum: Date Night must have a minimum of 3 attendees to have the event. Parents will be notified over email by the Wednesday night before the event to allow parents to make other arrangements.
Cost: $30/child or $75/family (3 max)
How to Register: Register on Court Reserve or by emailing: (Must register ahead of time due to possible schedule changes).